Saturday, February 13, 2021

[The Sims 3] My Aesthetics and my European Fantasy : Neuschwanstein Castle and Queen of Glacies in the wonderland. (No Custom Content) 模擬市民三:奇幻歐洲之異想 ㄧ 新天鵝堡,冰雪女王,自我美學(無自定義物件)

嗨!很久不見了,我是Beyond Beau Ideal。

我平常的文章不常寫太多文字,但是這個創作品「奇幻歐洲之異想:新天鵝堡, 冰雪女王, 自我美學」是我自認付出最多心力的代表作,耗時整整六年。因此此篇將詳細介紹。在過去六年的歲月裡,在忙碌生活的空擋裡,一手一步親自地設計,建造,修改,重建,調色,特色化物件收集,故事鋪陳。賦予了這座童話城堡栩栩如生的立體化以及具象化,同時很感謝有機會完成這項鉅作。

它代表了~我完成自我設定的挑戰,它代表了 ~我傾盡的美感才華,它代表了~我人生中一段很重要的追夢歲月。無論你是誰,摯友,網友,意外點到這篇網誌的人,都感謝你與我一同分享我心中的感動!

Hi! It has been a long time since last post. This is Beyond Beau Ideal.

Usually my posts don't contain many words, but this Sims 3 creation named " The Fairytale Castle in a wonderland : The Embodiment of the European Fantasy. " is what I put the most efforts into for entire 6 years. Hence, I would give it a detailed introduction. For past six years, I built this castle from scratch, designed it, built it, re-built it, colored it, collected sims 3 objects, gave environment settings step by step, gradually makes this castle and this map visualized vividly. 

This castle represents the impossible challenge I set up and accomplishedrepresents my talents I put with all my heart, represents a dream-chasing journey of my life. No matter who you are, dear friends, net friends, a person who came here accidentally, I welcome and thank you for enjoying my unconditional love to my castle together with me!


She is the most beautiful castle in the world.
She is a fairy land of the dream.
In summer, she is a elegant swan in the lake of forest;
In winter, she is a pure white pearl in the snow mountain;
In fall, she is a fairy-tale castle reigning her colorful kingdom.

Category : The Castle.   Size : 64 X 64
Around 30+ rooms or spaces with different themes.
Objects : From The sims 3, Expansions packs, the sims 3 stores (without CC.)
Building duration: January, 2014 ~ August 6th, 2020

類型 : 城堡。  佔地 : 64 X 64。
物件 : 模擬市民3主資料片,資料包,官方商城 (無自訂義物件)

創作品「奇幻歐洲之異想:新天鵝堡, 冰雪女王, 自我美學」之「特色」:

🏰  完整全地圖創作:完整地呈現全區域設計,包含新天鵝堡,高天鵝堡,兩座大湖,三片森林,  並調整了全地圖了樹木🌲數量,使得景觀拍攝上更顯美觀性。

🏰  建築結構立體美學:除了新天鵝堡原身的美麗,增修自行設計的建築細節,使得在構圖上極大化構圖美感,以及自行增建的城堡花園更是讓城堡在半山的平台上更加美麗自然。

🏰  細膩調色城堡外觀與內裝:無論是外牆城磚牆,內部裝潢,傢俱物件,都使用手動調色盤自己微調色塊,力求城堡具備求統一和諧的色調,但內部裝潢又帶有鮮豔豐富又古典的色彩。

🏰  完備城堡動線設計:全城堡考量所有角色(女王,賓客們以及僕從們)的出入動線,不但沒有多餘浪費的死角或是空間,每一座樓梯以及與其相連的房間或是走廊,皆呈現合理的路線。

🏰  完整紀錄各樣美麗天光時分:平日夏秋景,雪白冬景,清晨到黃昏,星光之夜到一片迷霧,所有最美麗的時光都以照片詳盡呈現。(因為此作品太精細,電腦幾乎無法再負擔多負荷錄影)

🏰  使用模擬市民三的特殊遊戲物件:城堡中的「冰女王雕像們」是讓一個小人練雕刻技能到十等,再讓他為我的女王進行冰雕,從約幾十座冰雕裡挑出好看的姿勢,因此相當耗時。「城堡密室中的寶石」也是讓一個小人使用世界歷險,到處收集原石,再帶回來切割成寶石,挑出與城堡適切的寶石,放入密室,做為代表女王力量的石頭(月亮石,靈魂寶石)以及一些美麗的妝點(鑽石,紅寶石,綠寶石)。

「Features」 of this creation "My Aesthetics and my European Fantasy : Neuschwanstein Castle and Queen of Glacies in the wonderland

🏰  Whole Map Design : not only those two castles, I also built two big lakes and three forests by my own. I also adjusted some objects on the map, such as vegetation, to improve aesthetics of taking screenshots.

🏰  Self-Design Structure : Besides the beauty of the Neuschwanstein Castle, I also self-designed a garden to increase aesthetics on the side. There are multiple small self-design all over the castle, making the outlook of this creation into perfection.
🏰  Self-Coloring Outlook & Interior : I colored the outlook and interior of the castle using self-color palette, pursuing the harmony genre with classic bright-colored style for interior. 
🏰  Comprehensive Layout Design : all characters, such as the Queen, the Bulter, Cook and Pastry Maid, have their own separate walking layouts, making this castle vivid. Almost no any room or space are wasted. 

🏰  Comprehensive Scenery Records : I recorded all almost every possible scenery, every moments of whole day, such as drawn, noon, sunset, midnight, leaving all her beauty here. 

🏰  Special Game Objects in Sims3 : For "ice queen sculptures", I spent tremendous time. I first trained an ice-worker Sim the ice sculpture skill into level 10, and then use this ice-worker carving my Queen under at least 20 postures. In the end, I picked the top 5 among those art works and put those ice beauty of my Queen into the Ice Gallery of the Neuschwanstein Castle. For "gems in the secret room", I made a Sim travel using the "World Adventure" and collected all stones for cutting into gems. There are two categories of those gems: One represents the power of the Queen, such as the moon stone and the soul stone. Another decorates the beauty of the castle, such as diamond, ruby, sapphire, Emerald, yellow gem.       

創作品「奇幻歐洲之異想:新天鵝堡, 冰雪女王, 自我美學」之「困難挑戰」:

✊  長達六年時光更建:此作品由西元2013年10月第一次構圖並建立初次模型,並探索模擬市民三的建設工具,接著在西元2014年正式重建修動,中間經過多次大大小小重蓋改建(無論是因為檔案壞掉出現Bug,所以讀舊檔重新蓋,抑或是因為美觀標準要求,打掉重建),簡言之,城堡外觀約「大重建三次」,城堡花園「大重建三次」,城堡內裝裝潢以及動線重蓋「大重建五次」,直到西元2020年8月6日,正式宣告完工,一共約六年的歲月。除了重建的毅力,這六年來我搬家十次,走過六個城市,十萬四千公里的旅居,幾乎都帶著裝有這座城堡的主機,維持此主機的運作功能,這部分對我而言稍微不容易。

✊  無玩家自定義物件:考慮能夠以僅限的電腦效能遊玩,這個城堡地圖一開始就是設定「無玩家自定義物件」,單單使用官方物件來建造。模擬市民三的玩家都知道,單單使用官方物件,由於中古世紀相關物件稀少,內部裝潢會非常具挑戰性。的確是!內裝花了我相當大的心力,後來乾脆把這點設定為自我挑戰 - 以創意組合有限的物件,完成了這個創作品。

✊  極高電腦效能要求:當初我的電腦主機就是為了這遊戲組得,所以已經是很不錯的配備。(請參考此連結:如何讓你的模三跑得順!)。但是隨著城堡細節一步一步完成,電腦設備已不堪負荷,因此我有稍微升級此桌機主機,記憶體是升到32GB。同時刪掉了地圖裡大部分居民以及不需要的建物,才有辦法開城堡的雪景效能並拍照。

「Challenges」 of this creation "The Embodiment of the European Fantasy" :

Six-year long duration : The first attempt of this creation is at October 2013. After I took some explorations, the official starting time is in the beginning of 2014. The castle went through many many times rebuilt or re-design due to different kind of reasons, such as Bugs of broken files, or lower than aesthetics standard. In short, this castle had at least " three times large-scale rebuilt for outlook of the castle", " three times large-scale rebuilt for the garden of the castle", " five times large-scale re-design for interior and layout of the castle". Finally, this castle was finished at August 6th, 2020! During this six period, even I lived 6 cities, moved across half of the earth, I still brought this desk computer with me, maintaining it, building it, step by step. It is really a challenge!  

✊ No Custom Content : Considering playing this creation with limited computer performance, at beginning, I set up this castle map as No C.C. work. I only use Sims 3 official content to build and decorate the castle. Every Sims player knows that if building without C.C., the interior would be a terrifying challenge! True! I put tremendous efforts into the interior. In the end, I just set up build this castle without C.C. as myself challenge - using my best creativity to assemble those limited official objects - I finally finish this creation.

High demand of computer performance : At first, this desk  computer is assembled for this creation. (Please read this link: How to play your sims 3 smoother.) However, with more and more details of the castle completed, the performance gradually could not afford. Later, I upgraded my desk computer with 32GB RAM and deleted many unnecessary objects of the map, so my computer could be able to run this castle as well as the snowy effect. 

👑 👑 👑 



Let's go into detailed introduction!

This article is the guide page. 

Welcome your reading and happy to share my love for six years with you! 

👑 👑 👑

城堡外觀篇  The Outlook


There are two articles describing the outlook of this castle. One is the outlook in summer and fall season. Another is outlook in snowy winter. With two big lakes and scenery on the back, this is a fantastic wonderland. 

模三:新天鵝堡日景外觀 - 清晨, 正午, 黃昏 (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Schloss Neuschwanstein Castle's daytime outlook - Dawn, Noon, Sunset) (Link:

模三:白雪世界中的新天鵝堡-日景與夜景 (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Snowy White Neuschwanstein Castle - Day & Night 

城堡花園篇  The Garden


Fun fact, in reality, the Neuschwanstein Castle doesn't have a garden. However, I use the map of "Dragon Valley" and I felt it was not perfect when I took photos of its side. So, I self-designed a European garden with multiple layers, including the pool and green house in the front, the bridge in the middle, the small cap area in the back. Those design increases the beauty and the conformity of the castle.  

模擬市民三:新天鵝堡花園 - 自行設計 (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Self-design Neuschwanstein Castle's garden 

城堡人物篇  The Characters



Though the real Neuschwanstein Castle was built by a male king, I think this castle is perfect for a queen due to it fantastic and elegant design. Therefore, I let my most beautiful Sim, The Queen of Glacies, live in this castle. I designed several suitable outfits for her and re-set her characters, for example, Lucky -- The Queen should have luck, Loves the cold -- The Queen of Glacies should defy the cold, Artistic – I set up a story that she built up this castle, she should be an aesthetic person to build up this beautiful castle, etc. I also re-trained some new skills that are suitable for The Queen. It’s so real when I saw her wandering in the castle.

In additional to The Queen of Glacies, I also created 3 characters, the Butler, the Cook and Pastry Maid, in the Castle. Every characters play their roles and live together, which makes the castle warmer with their happy smiles, not just stone castle.

模擬市民三:冰雪女王與她的城堡和獨角獸 (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Queen of Glacies with Her Castle and Unicorn 

模擬市民三:城堡裡的管家&廚娘&烘焙房女僕 (連結)
[The Sims 3] Bulter, Cook and Pastry Maid in the Castle 

城堡內裝篇  The Interior


🏰  細膩調色城堡外觀與內裝:無論是外牆城磚牆,內部裝潢,傢俱物件,都使用手動調色盤自己微調色塊,力求城堡具備求統一和諧的色調,但內部裝潢又帶有鮮豔豐富又古典的色彩。

🏰  完備城堡動線設計:全城堡考量所有角色(女王,賓客們以及僕從們)的出入動線,不但沒有多餘浪費的死角或是空間,每一座樓梯以及與其相連的房間或是走廊,皆呈現合理的路線。

This part use six articles to introduce all details about interior of the castle. Also, there are 1 ~ 5 floor plan in the end describing the layout of the castle and the position of rooms. The interior and the layout is the most amazing characteristic part of this creation! I spent tremendous time on it. Hope you enjoy it~!

🏰  Self-Coloring Outlook & Interior : I colored the outlook and interior of the castle using self-color palette, pursuing the harmony genre with classic bright-colored style for interior. 
🏰  Comprehensive Layout Design : all characters, such as the Queen, the Bulter, Cook and Pastry Maid, have their own separate walking layouts, making this castle vivid. Almost no any room or space are wasted. 

[模擬市民三] 新天鵝堡:森林小徑&城堡酒窖(一樓) (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Neuschwanstein Castle's Forest Trail and Wine Cellar (1F)

[模擬市民三] 新天鵝堡:中央大廚房區域, 皇家糕點室, 管家與僕人區域(一與二樓) (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Neuschwanstein Castle's Central Kitchen Area, Royal Bakery, Butler and Servant Area (1F&2F)


[模擬市民三] 新天鵝堡:城門 & 騎士廳 & 人造地下鐘乳石洞 & 冰宮 (一與二樓) (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Neuschwanstein Castle's Gate, Knight Hall, Man-made underground Stalactite cave and Ice Gallery (1F&2F) 


[模擬市民三] 新天鵝堡的高台廣場&側堡
(左:圖書館, 密室, 騎士浴場。右:賓客室, 冰宮。二與三樓) (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Neuschwanstein Castle's Upper Courtyard and Side Building (Left: Library, Private Room, Knight Bathing Room. Right: Guest Room, Ice Gallery) (2F&3F)

[模擬市民三] 新天鵝堡:女王主臥室, 更衣間, 皇家飯廳, 鋼琴間(二與三樓)(連結)
[The Sims 3] The Neuschwanstein Castle's Master Suite of the Queen, Dressing Room, Royal Dining Room, Piano Room (2F & 3F) 


[模擬市民三] 新天鵝堡:王座廳, 接待廳, 午茶房, 後陽台(四樓), 女王私人房(五樓)(連結)
[The Sims 3] The Neuschwanstein Castle's Throne Room, Audience Room, Afternoon Tea Room, Balcony (4F), Queen's Private Rooms (5F) 



 Castle's Layout from  Floor 1 to Floor 5 

一樓  Floor 1st

二樓  Floor  2nd

三樓  Floor  3rd

四樓  Floor 4th

五樓  Floor  5th

特殊物品介紹  Special Game Objects


Since I only used Sims 3 built-in official objects for this creation, I faced difficulties while decorating the interior. I tired very hard to assemble those objects with my creativity. Besides, I used some special game objects which need to be collected in the Sims 3. Even though all are official objects, but those two special objects make the castle much more fantastic! 

💎 城堡中的「冰公主&冰女王雕像們」是讓一個小人練雕刻技能到十等,再讓他為我的女王進行冰雕,從約幾十座冰雕裡挑出好看的姿勢,因此相當耗時。

💎  For "ice queen sculptures", I spent tremendous time. I first trained an ice-worker Sim the ice sculpture skill into level 10, and then use this ice-worker carving my Queen under at least 20 postures. In the end, I picked the top 5 among those art works and put those ice beauty of my Queen into the Ice Gallery of the Neuschwanstein Castle.    



💎  For "gems in the secret room", I made a Sim travel using the "World Adventure" and collected all stones for cutting into gems. There are two categories of those gems: One represents the power of the Queen, such as the moon stone and the soul stone. Another decorates the beauty of the castle, such as diamond, ruby, sapphire, Emerald, yellow gem 

城堡其他篇  Others

其他城堡相關的圖片,或是創作品介紹。Other relative pictures of the creation.

模三:星夜下的新天鵝堡 - 外觀&內裝 (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Schloss Neuschwanstein Castle in the starry night (Outlook & Inside) (Link:

模擬市民三:彩色的夢 (連結)
[The Sims 3] The Colorful Dream 

The dream is the colorful sky,

while you are galloping in it with all heart.

You might think it is still far away.

However, the truth is

you are the crowning touch to the sky,

the part of legacy.

This poem is what I wrote for myself. I would also like to share it with you all. The past six-year period is my long and fantastic journey. This six year of my life is amazing! I never have any regret. Thanks for this castle as well. She accompanied me for this whole six years. Also, I would like to announce that I will retire from the sims 3. Still play sims 3 sometimes, but do not answer sims 3 questions, do not share in community, do not upload related artworks.

The next stage of my life is beginning. I have a new dream to chase. Wish me still gallop beautifully, move forward persistently, under this sky. Bless myself. Bless you as well.












✋ The creation is not open to download. Sorry! 

Because 1) This creation needs very high standard computer performance and you might need to know how to deal with some bugs if they happen, 2) Too many re-uploaded creation situations happen. This creation I put tremendous efforts and it is my six-year period, so I intend not to meet re-uploaded creation situation. Sorry for that but I already left every beauty of Her here. Hope you could feel her beauty and fantasy.  

✋ 此作品沒有製作NFT,不販售 

✋ The creation has No NFT. Not for sale! 


  1. 藉由這篇導讀再回顧一次這個作品集,還是令人驚艷於這城堡的夢幻漂亮和每一個細節的完美!結尾的詩也非常的美和啓發性!

    1. 謝謝你的讚賞,我很喜歡你注意到那首詩^^

  2. This is a masterpiece! I seldom saw a creation like this, so amazing details!

  3. 好氣派的城堡!

    1. 夢,謝謝你來到我的城堡,它終於完工了。
      記得離上次你的留言又是好幾年了,你的留言很美,我印象很是深刻!這幾年很忙,有空擋或是感覺就蓋(或是痛苦地重蓋各種細節...我對這座城堡有種偏執XD... 其他小城堡大概兩個禮拜內可以粗略蓋一個)



  4. This is fantastic! I never played The Sims 3 before but it definitely impressed me a ton!

  5. 真的很佩服至美的毅力!
    除了建築物本身很雄偉, 要蓋起來並不容易之外,
    女王也很美身材很好 (重點誤XD)


    1. 薇琪,好久不”見“!希望妳一切安好!很開心妳來坐坐!

      對啊,當初腦細胞要燒斷不少了。模三玩家大概都知道,不使用自定義物件,設計上這有多燒腦。更別提,當初為了要讓這做工精細的大城堡地圖可以run,真是嘔心瀝血地搞定了許多技術上的困難,外加修了很多Bugs。還有手動保存很多很多修不了的Bugs... 後來,差點把手腕弄傷。

      我之前有寫一篇[模三vs模四 - 城堡地圖心得]。我找不到你的臉書,所以不知道怎樣連回去(如果有,可以IG DM我++)。我偶爾還是會去拜讀一下你的部落格粉絲團,依舊有模有樣很美。



