Thursday, February 18, 2016

[Teaching] How to edit or remove the google+ followers widget. 如何編輯或移除google+追蹤者小工具

Have you been annoyed by the google+ followers widget? Once you added the google+ followers widget, you couldn't have removed or edited it anymore. Further, for you couldn't change its position or order, the web page of your blog is ugly and hard to have a concise look, especially it seems odd above the photo sticker.  Now, I am going to provide you a good way to edit or remove the google+ followers widget on your blog web page by teaching you the HTML/JavaScript code editing.

你是否被google+追蹤者小工具惹惱呢? 一旦你加了google+追蹤者小工具,就再也不能把它移除或是編輯了。而且你還沒辦法改變他的位置或是順序,頁面醜陋而且不精簡,放在大頭貼之上看起來更是怪異。現在,我要提供你一個好方法,透過修改HTML/JavaScript程式碼,你便可以編輯或是移除google+追蹤者小工具。

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

[The Sims 3] Test for upgrading to version 1.69.43. 模擬市民三: 升級到1.69.43版本的測試

 In recent days, My Sims 3 popped-out a message "The launch cannot link to the Origin" again and again, so I logged in my Origin account to figure out what's going on. Since I clicked the "agree and install" button before fully understanding the contract, my Sims 3 was upgraded to version 1.69.43, which has a different interface of the launch. I tried to test it for there are many issues about version 1.69  reported on the internet.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

[Teaching] How to upload a watermark to YouTube video. 如何上傳浮水印到YouTube影片

Today I would like to share the method for uploading a watermark to YouTube video. As we all know, uploading a watermark can prevent your videos or creations from duplication, so knowing how to finish it is quite important. Moreover, I will introduce a tip to make you away from upload failure. Ok, let's start it.

今天我想分享一個上傳浮水印到YouTube頻道的方法,就如我們所知得,上傳浮水印可以讓你的影片或是創作品避免被複製盜用,所以知道怎麼上傳浮水印是很重要的。而且我會介紹一個小訣竅讓你避免上傳失敗喔。OK,開始吧 !