Saturday, February 13, 2021

[The Sims 3] My Aesthetics and my European Fantasy : Neuschwanstein Castle and Queen of Glacies in the wonderland. (No Custom Content) 模擬市民三:奇幻歐洲之異想 ㄧ 新天鵝堡,冰雪女王,自我美學(無自定義物件)

嗨!很久不見了,我是Beyond Beau Ideal。

我平常的文章不常寫太多文字,但是這個創作品「奇幻歐洲之異想:新天鵝堡, 冰雪女王, 自我美學」是我自認付出最多心力的代表作,耗時整整六年。因此此篇將詳細介紹。在過去六年的歲月裡,在忙碌生活的空擋裡,一手一步親自地設計,建造,修改,重建,調色,特色化物件收集,故事鋪陳。賦予了這座童話城堡栩栩如生的立體化以及具象化,同時很感謝有機會完成這項鉅作。

它代表了~我完成自我設定的挑戰,它代表了 ~我傾盡的美感才華,它代表了~我人生中一段很重要的追夢歲月。無論你是誰,摯友,網友,意外點到這篇網誌的人,都感謝你與我一同分享我心中的感動!

Hi! It has been a long time since last post. This is Beyond Beau Ideal.

Usually my posts don't contain many words, but this Sims 3 creation named " The Fairytale Castle in a wonderland : The Embodiment of the European Fantasy. " is what I put the most efforts into for entire 6 years. Hence, I would give it a detailed introduction. For past six years, I built this castle from scratch, designed it, built it, re-built it, colored it, collected sims 3 objects, gave environment settings step by step, gradually makes this castle and this map visualized vividly. 

This castle represents the impossible challenge I set up and accomplishedrepresents my talents I put with all my heart, represents a dream-chasing journey of my life. No matter who you are, dear friends, net friends, a person who came here accidentally, I welcome and thank you for enjoying my unconditional love to my castle together with me!


She is the most beautiful castle in the world.
She is a fairy land of the dream.
In summer, she is a elegant swan in the lake of forest;
In winter, she is a pure white pearl in the snow mountain;
In fall, she is a fairy-tale castle reigning her colorful kingdom.

Friday, February 12, 2021

[The Sims 3] The Schloss Neuschwanstein Castle in the starry night (Outlook & Inside - No Custom Content) 模三:星夜下的新天鵝堡 (外觀&內裝 - 無自定義物件)

The Schloss Neuschwanstein Castle in the starry night 


[The Sims 3] The Schloss Neuschwanstein Castle's outlook (Daytime - Dawn, Noon, Sunset - No Custom Content) 模三:新天鵝堡外觀 (日景 - 清晨, 正午, 黃昏 - 無自訂義物件)

The New Swan stone Castle is the most beautiful castle in the world.
She is a fairy land of the dream.
In summer, she is a elegant swan in the lake of forest;
In winter, she is a pure white pearl in the snow mountain;
In fall, she is a fairy-tale castle reigning her colorful kingdom.
